There’s a lot more peace in our home

When I had my first born Eli, I realised how much I struggled to deal with my own emotional regulation. 

The meltdowns, the outbursts, the irrational emotions were all major triggers for me (adult tantrums are cool, right?!).

Don’t get me wrong, it was tempting to blame him, but I quickly realised it started with me

I wasn’t equipped to deal with my own emotions, let alone his.

So I started to look online for resources to help…and yes there were some. 

But what I really needed was a strategy that helped us both regulate our emotions…with a consistent, straightforward and loving approach that didn’t sacrifice what I know kids need - firm boundaries. 

So I dove into the research, the studies, the behavioural science and created our unique method -

The Peaceful Place.

Parenting Resources

→ Our Peaceful Place posters create a consistent structure to co-regulate with your child. 

→Our My Feelings and Positive Affirmation cards help kids learn emotional intelligence through play.


1:1 Parent Coaching Support

My coaching programs give you tailored coaching for 2-4 weeks with ongoing guidance and support. 

I’ll listen, gently make suggestions, help implement strategies, and set tasks to help you co-regulate with your child/ren.

I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s changed my life.

And more importantly, theirs too. 

And when my second child - my daughter Lyra - was born, we started with the Peaceful Place method earlier, and even I was amazed at the results.

Things like: “Mummy, Peaceful Place please,” and “Mummy, I’m feeling angry,” and “Mummy, I’d like to sing a song to help me feel calmer.”

But it’s not just about labelling emotions. 

Studies have shown that children can’t regulate their own emotions….they need you to help them learn.

The Peaceful Place method will give you a consistent way to co-regulate their emotions that makes them feel loved, heard and safe. 

And that combo? Leads to a strong parent-attachment…the number one ingredient shown to help create emotionally intelligent and resilient adults.